A long lasting relationship

What for Lasse and Tina Elvang began as a stand-alone backpacking trip to Peru in 2002, was to prove to be the beginning of a long-term relationship. A relationship that would change both their lives and the area they visited.

In Peru, Lasse and Tina met a hard-working and cordial people with proud craft traditions who cared for their history, traditions and animals, but also an overwhelming poverty that cut to the heart.

The alpaca, which for millennia has been an important domestic animal for the Peruvians, in fact all the way back to the Incas, produces the finest wool imaginable. With the experiences from Peru and alpaca plaids in their luggage, Tina and Lasse returned to Denmark very keen to make a difference for the Peruvians they had met through their unique alpacas. The foundation stone for Elvang had been laid.


Soft and durable

The alpaca is a member of the camel family and lives in the South American Andes. Alpaca fibers are among the most luxurious in the world. The softness is amazing and noticeable at first touch. The fibers are durable and by nature they are available in an impressive wealth of colors.

The fibers of alpaca wool are fine and thin, and alpaca wool textiles are therefore very soft. Baby alpaca wool is extra fine and soft and originates primarily from the first shearing of the alpacas, where they are approx. 2½ years old.

As the only wool type in the world, alpaca wool does not contain the substance lanolin, which is often the source of allergic reactions to wool. If you are allergic to lanolin, you can use textiles made from pure alpaca wool.


Integritet og ansvarlighed

Det står Elvang nært at operere socialt ansvarligt. Som medlem af FNs Global Compact, verdens største netværk for virksomheders samfundsansvar, arbejder de ansatte hos Elvangs samarbejdspartnere under de bedste vilkår. Uddannelse af hyrderne i opdræts- og avlsmetoder, samt klipning af alpakaen sikrer, at de får et større udbytte, en bedre og mere fair pris ligesom kvaliteten af alpakafibre bevares. Elvang støtter en årtusind gammel tradition om at væve tekstiler af alpakafibre ved bevidst at fastholde produktionen i Peru. Elvang medvirker hermed til at give hyrderne en mulighed for at forbedre deres levestandard og samtidig bekæmpe den peruvianske fattigdom.

Elvang skaber smukke tekstiler af udsøgte, naturlige fibre. Hvert enkelt produkt er resultatet af lokalt, originalt håndværk kombineret med moderne, skandinavisk design. Kvalitet, tradition og social ansvarlighed er de bærende principper hos os, og vi går aldrig på kompromis med de etiske standarder. Elvang er et dansk luksusbrand, der skaber tekstiler med integritet og stolthed.